Tuesday 26 February 2019

Ocular Tissue Adhesive Application in DSAEK: a Comparative Study - Juniper Publishers - JOJ Ophthalmology

Juniper Publishers - Open Access Journals

Ocular Tissue Adhesive Application in DSAEK: a Comparative Study

Authored by AJ Kanellopoulos

Idiopathic hyperammonemia is characterized by increased serum ammonia levels (>200umol/L) and is sometimes associated with normal to slightly elevated liver function tests [1]. These patients often present with encephalopathy, cerebral edema, seizures, and coma. Idiopathic hyperammonemia has been reported after high dose chemotherapy, and organ transplants including Orthotopic lung transplant [2]. Hyperammonemia is a rare, severe, and often fatal complication. There are few cases reported in the literature since 1997, including one retrospective analysis of 807 lung transplants; only 8 patients were diagnosed with hyperammonemia [3]. The exact mechanism of idiopathic hyperammonemiais not fully understood with congenital or acquired defects in ammonia metabolism, as well as bacterial infection having been described.

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Friday 8 February 2019

Ocular Health Assessment of Basic School Children in the Oforikrom Sub- Metropolis, Kumasi-Ghana - Juniper Publishers - JOJ Ophthalmology

Juniper Publishers - Open Access Journals

Ocular Health Assessment of Basic School Children in the Oforikrom Sub- Metropolis, Kumasi-Ghana

Authored by Kumah DB

Background: Vision is critical for daily activities and sight is treasured by all. Eye diseases and disorders such as uncorrected refractive errors, cataract, glaucoma and retinopathies, tend tomar normal vision.
Purpose: To determine the prevalence of ocular conditions, their association with age and gender and the commonest associated symptoms experienced by the basic school children in the Oforikrom sub-metropolis of the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana.
Design: A descriptive, cross sectional survey was used.
Methods: Out of the ten sub-metros in Kumasi, simple rando
m technique was used to select a sub-metropolis. The multistage sampling technique was then used to select two public primary schools in the selected sub-metropolis as well as to identify a sample of school children aged 5-16 years. The examination procedures adopted included history-taking, visual acuity testing, plus-one blur test, static retinoscopy, subjective refraction and ophthalmoscopy.
Results: A total of 500 children were examined and refractive error was found to be the most prevalent ocular condition occurring among 200 (40.0%) of the school children, followed by allergic conjunctivitis 111 (22.2%) and dry eyes 51(10.2%). The commonest symptoms recorded include itchiness (38.40%), tearing (32.4%), red eyes (30.20%) and headache (26%).
Conclusion: Uncorrected refractive error was the most prevalent ocular condition and this study indicates that the school age is a high risk group for developing refractive errors. Eye screening of school children is recommended and eye care services, especially, refractive error services should be enforced.

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