Wednesday, 31 July 2019

Ocular Health Assessment of Basic School Children in the Oforikrom Sub- Metropolis, Kumasi-Ghana-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Journal of Ophthalmology

Background: Vision is critical for daily activities and sight is treasured by all. Eye diseases and disorders such as uncorrected refractive errors, cataract, glaucoma and retinopathies, tend tomar normal vision.
Purpose: To determine the prevalence of ocular conditions, their association with age and gender and the commonest associated symptoms experienced by the basic school children in the Oforikrom sub-metropolis of the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana.
Design: A descriptive, cross sectional survey was used.
Methods: Out of the ten sub-metros in Kumasi, simple rando
m technique was used to select a sub-metropolis. The multistage sampling technique was then used to select two public primary schools in the selected sub-metropolis as well as to identify a sample of school children aged 5-16 years. The examination procedures adopted included history-taking, visual acuity testing, plus-one blur test, static retinoscopy, subjective refraction and ophthalmoscopy.
Results: A total of 500 children were examined and refractive error was found to be the most prevalent ocular condition occurring among 200 (40.0%) of the school children, followed by allergic conjunctivitis 111 (22.2%) and dry eyes 51(10.2%). The commonest symptoms recorded include itchiness (38.40%), tearing (32.4%), red eyes (30.20%) and headache (26%).
Conclusion: Uncorrected refractive error was the most prevalent ocular condition and this study indicates that the school age is a high risk group for developing refractive errors. Eye screening of school children is recommended and eye care services, especially, refractive error services should be enforced.
Key words Ocular, Assessment, Vision, Refractive error, Screening, Symptoms, Prevalence


Poor vision in childhood affects performance in school or at work and has a negative influence on the future life of a child. Moreover, planning of the youth’s career is very much dependent on visual acuity, especially in jobs for the navy, military, railways and aviation (Gupta et al. [1]; Brown et al. [2]).
Assessment of ocular health in children is important because while some eye conditions are just causes of ocular morbidity, others invariably lead to blindness. Also while some conditions such as refractive errors and cataract are treatable others like measles and vitamin A deficiency are largely preventable. Many ocular diseases have their origin in childhood and the morbidity may go unnoticed in the absence of any form of ocular assessment because unlike adults, children have no effective means of reporting ocular problems (Deshpange et al. [3]). Kamath et al. [4] reported that children do not complain of defective vision, and may not even be aware of the condition. They try adjusting to the problem of defective vision by sitting in the front benches, holding the books close to their eyes, squeezing the eyes.
The school age is a formative period, physically as well as mentally, transforming the child into a promising adult. As such, health habits formed at this age will be carried to adult age, old age and even to the next generation (Kamath et al. [4]). This means that, not only will the child carry the effects of untreated poor ocular health into adulthood, but also ocular hygiene and health seeking behaviors cultivated in childhood as well.
Many ocular diseases from poor ocular health have their origin in childhood and the morbidity may go unnoticed and adversely affect the child’s performance in school and may also cause severe ocular disability in the later part of life (Deshpange et al. [3]). According to Gupta et al. [1], school children are easily accessible and schools are the best forum for imparting health education to the children, and schools are also one of the best centers for effectively implementing the comprehensive eye healthcare program. Ocular health assessment in school children is therefore one of the best modules in early detection and treatment of preventable blindness in children.
Data reported worldwide suggest that there is wide regional variation in the major causes of blindness in children; lesions of the central nervous system predominate in the developed countries and corneal scarring as a result of acquired diseases predominate in poor countries (Rushood et al. [5]).
Good ocular health also ensures that school children can attain their full potential in the course of their education (Deshpange et al. [3]). Periodic screening of school children therefore is very critical to improving the quality of vision in childhood. This goes on to buttress the fact that development of visual screening programs in elementary schools is essential to ensure early detection and treatment of refractive errors and eye disorders.
It has been reported that poor ocular health adversely affect the child’s performance in school and may also cause severe ocular disability in the later part of life (Deshpange et al. [3]). Thus, effective ocular health assessment in early life invariably helps in preventing long-term visual disability. Another issue of concern in poor ocular health in children is the potential of childhood blindness. Childhood blindness affects, not the child alone, but the entire family and many of them are left as street beggars in the poor countries (Khalil et al. [6]). Poor ocular health in children affects childhood development, educational performance as well as social and employment opportunities (Prakash et al. [7]).
The purpose of this study is to determine the prevalence of eye diseases, their association with age and gender and the commonest associated symptoms among basic school children in the Oforikrom sub-metropolis of the Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana.

Material and Methods

Study area
The study was carried out in the Kumasi Metropolis in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. Kumasi has a population of 2,035,064( is located in the transitional forest zone of Ghana and lies between latitude 6.35° – 6.40° and longitude 1.30° –1.35°, an elevation which ranges between 250 – 300 meters above sea level. The land area of the Metropolis is about 254sq/km and approximately 10 kilometers in radius. There are 119 communities and ten (10) sub-metropolitan areas which include Oforikrom, Asawase, Asokwa, Bantama, Kwadaso, Manhyia, Nhyiaeso, Subin, Suame, Tafo-Pankrono (
Study type and design
A descriptive, cross-sectional study was undertaken. A sample size of 500 basic school children aged 5 to 16 years in the Kumasi Metropolis. Out of the ten sub-metros in Kumasi, simple random technique was used to select one sub-metro. The multistage sampling technique was then used to select two primary schools in the selected sub-metropolis.
Data collection technique
Data collection took place over a period of two weeks. Consent forms were initially sent to parents/guardians of the basic school children of the selected schools to be signed and approved before thorough ocular examination took place. These were however preceded by acquiring the patient’s biodata and a comprehensive case history through questionnaires which were being filled by themselves or by aid. The ocular examination procedure was as follows:
Visual Acuity
Unaided visual acuity measurements were taken for each eye of the study participants, reading from either the Snellen letter chart or the Snellen “E” chart. Aided visual acuity was taken when a participant presented with a spectacle correction. Pinhole acuity was measured in patients whose visual acuities were found to be worse than 6/6. Improvement of the patient’s visual acuity with the pinhole, the cause of the reduction in vision could be said to be mainly refractive in nature and the maximum improvement in the vision could be attained by the use of lenses to correct errors of refraction (Renner [10]).
Staticretinoscopy and Subjective refraction were undertaken for all the subjects whose visual acuity improved with the pinhole. Also subjects with an uncorrected visual acuity of 6/6 were considered emmetropic after passing the +1 Blur test. Subjects with an error of +/- 0.25 or more were considered ametropic.
External examination and funduscopy
Examination of the external eye including the eyelashes, lids, cornea, conjunctiva, iris and pupil and of the fundus using the pen torch/ophthalmoscope light and the direct ophthalmoscope were undertaken respectively.
Ethical Consideration
This research was conducted with approval from the Director of the Kumasi Metropolitan Education Directorate, the heads of the selected junior and senior high schools, and from the teachers
Data Analysis
The Epi Info software, version 3.5.1 was used to analyze the data.


A total of five hundred (500) pupils sampled from the study area responded to the questionnaires. The socio-demographic characteristics considered include gender, age, age group, school, stage/ educational status, Visual acuity, symptoms, and diagnosis were also included (Table 1).
From the Table 1, 241 pupils were females and 259 were males representing 48.2% and 51.8% respectively. The age range for the study sample was from 5 to 16 years. The mean and modal ages were 10.07±2.58 years and 8 years respectively (Table 2-7).


Prevalent Ocular Conditions
From this study, refractive error (40.0%), allergic conjunctivitis (22.2%) and dry eyes (10.2%) have been indicated to be the major eye conditions among the respondents. In a study by Ajaiyeoba et al. [11] conducted on a total of 1,144 students, the major ocular disorders encountered were Allergic/vernal conjunctivitis (7.4%), Refractive error (5.8%), lid disorders (0.6%), squint (0.3%), corneal scarring (0.3%),cataract (0.2%). Adegbehingbe et al. [12] reported common ocular conditions as follows: refractive error, 13.5%, infective conjunctivitis, 6.1%, chalazion, 6.1% and squint, 5.9%.In the vision-screening project conducted by Presian et al. [13] at Baltimore, the estimated prevalence of visual morbidity was found to be 3.9%, 3.1% and 8.2% for amblyopia, strabismus and refractive errors respectively.
Prevalence of Refractive Errors
The commonest ocular condition identified in the present study was refractive error. This was consistent with the findings of Adegbehingbe et al. [12] and Presian et al. [13]. The refractive error prevalence (40.0%) comprised 32.6% hyperopia, 7.2% myopia and 0.2% astigmatism. The prevalence of hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism among the study sample were 4.6%, 6.9% and 14.1% respectively. Refractive error was defined in the present study as an error of ± 0.50 D and above for hyperopia and myopia and a cylindrical error of ≥ 0.50 D in one or both eyes, as was similarly defined in a study by Niroula et al. [14]. Hyperopia was the most prevalent refractive error observed in the study (32.6%). Previous studies among different ethnic groups have revealed myopia as the most prevalent refractive error (Shrestha et al. [15]; Al Wadaani et al. [16]). Therefore, prevalence of the different types of refractive errors differs for different ethnic backgrounds.
Ocular Conditions and Gender
From the present study, prevalence rate of refractive error was not statistically associated with gender (p=0.63520). Females had a higher refractive error prevalence rate (20.6%) than males (19.4%). Hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism were found to be higher among females than males (p values of 0.45257, 0.69101 and 0.97124 respectively). Previous studies conducted in other countries confirmed this relationship between females and higher Refractive error prevalence (Al Rowaily et al. [17]; Al Wadaani et al. [16] and Pavithra et al. [18]). Niroula et al. [14] however, found the percentage of refractive errors to be more in boys (7.59%) than in girls (5.30%). However, a study conducted among Nepalese children found no sex difference (Pokharel et al. [19]). The higher prevalence of refractive error among females could be due to the fact that women’s eyes have a shorter axial length than their male counterparts. A study by Foster et al. [20] in which mean anterior chamber depth measured in women was more shallow than in men of all ages (ANOVA, P< .0001) predisposes them to hyperopia (leading to higher prevalence of refractive error).
A statistically significant (p=0.00257) difference was observed between females (13.6%) and males (8.6%) when the prevalence rate of allergic conjunctivitis of both genders wereA statistically significant (p=0.00257) difference was observed between females (13.6%) and males (8.6%) when the prevalence rate of allergic conjunctivitis of both genders were compared. The higher prevalence rate in the females could be attributed to the fact that Ghanaian female school children are exposed to a lot of allergens in the environment than males, as they are mostly responsible for activities such as sweeping and dusting of tables and chairs in schools and at home. The rest of the ocular conditions showed no significant variation with gender
Ocular Conditions and Age
From the study, there was no significant association between the various types of refractive error and age. This was consistent with the finding of Pavithra et al. [18]. Of all the ocular conditions presented, only dry eye had a significant positive correlation with age (p=0.00255) in this study. The positive correlation could be from the fact that, academic activities such as attentive reading increases with rise in class level (which is highly dependent on age in Ghanaian primary schools).
According to Karson et al. [21], the rate of blinking when reading has been shown to decrease significantly from a resting blink rate of between 8 and 21 blinks per minute to an average of 4.5 blinks per minute. Hence the eyes are prone to getting dry as one age, moves higher in class level and do a lot of attentive reading.
Ocular Symptoms
Amongst the commonest symptoms recorded in this study, 38.40% reported itchiness, 32.4% had tearing, 30.20% had red eyes and 26% had headache. The high prevalence of these symptoms could be attributed to allergens such as dust and chalk particles in the school environment to which the school children are exposed to. Children have strong immune systems such that, they easily have hypersensitivity reactions to things in their environment. The high reportage of headache as a symptom could be attributed to the high prevalence of hyperopia within the study population. Gleason et al. [22] have stated that hyperopes must accommodate to see distant objects clearly and even more so to see closely. According to Grosvenor [23], Sheard’s criterion must be met for comfortable binocular vision. When this is not met, asthenopic symptoms which includes headache will result. This explains why most of the subjects reported experiencing headaches. Similar findings were obtained in a cross sectional study by Ajaiyeoba et al. [11].


Refractive error was found to be the most prevalent ocular condition among the basic school children in the Kumasi Metropolis affecting 200 (40.0%) pupils out of a sample of 500, followed by allergic conjunctivitis 111 (22.2%) and dry eyes 51 (10.2%). Amongst the commonest symptoms recorded in the research, 38.40% reported itchiness, 32.4% had tearing, 30.20% had red eyes and 26% had headache.
The ocular diseases showed no significant variation with gender apart from allergic conjunctivitis which had a statistically significant difference between females (13.6%) and males (8.6%) (p=0.00257). There was also no significant association between eye disease and age except in the case of dry eye that had a significant positive correlation with age (p=0.00255).
School health services should have eye care services incorporated, implemented and strengthened effectively. Routine eye screening and examination among school children, especially those below the age of 9 years, should be enforced as any unidentified eye disorder could easily result in amblyopia. Provision of affordable corrective services should follow screening, especially, to the school-age group.

# Table 1: Age and Gender distribution of respondents.

# Table 2: Visual acuity of respondents.

# Table 3: Prevalence of Ocular conditions.

# Table 4: Distribution of refractive state by Gender.

# Table 5: Prevalence of common ocular symptoms.

# Table 6: Distribution of Respondents’ Gender and Eye Disease.

# Table 7: Linear Regression model showing the distribution of Respondents’ Age and Ocular conditions

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Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Prevalence and Comparison of Visual Acuity Charts in School Going Children with Low Vision in Garhwal Himalayan Region-Juniper Publishers

Juniper Publishers-Journal of Ophthalmology

Aim: To compare the effectiveness of visual acuity charts used in school going children with Low Vision.
Materials and Methods: Two groups of 40 each of the children age less than 15 years of age, 40 each in study and control group attending the out patients department were selected after fulfilling the inclusion criteria. All the children were tested with Snellen’s and Lea’s symbol chart. The response of each child with both type charts was recorded. Testing of both groups was done with and without correction.
Results: In groups, female preponderance, 24(60%) in study group, 22(55%) were female children in control group. Majority of childrenin study group had refractive error (40%) and amblyopia (37.5%) while in control group 60% of children were found to have myopia. In control group, before correction, visual acuity was more than 6/18 in 13 (32.5%) children in Snellen’s chart and 22 (55%) children in Lea’s chart while 27 (67.5%) children were less than 6/18 in Snellen’s chart, 18 (45%) children in Lea’s chart. In study group, before correction visual acuity was less than 6/18 in 37 (93.2%) in Snellen‘s chart and 32 (79.4%) children in Lea’s chart while after correction the visual acuity was more than 6/18 in (17) 41.3% of cases in Snellen‘s chart and (30) 75.8% of cases in Lea’s chart.
Conclusion: Visual performance depends not only on size and distance, but also on contrast, illumination, and arrangement of targets. Study also concluded myopia and astigmatism is the commonest refractive error among school going children.
Vision or visual perception is the complex integration of light sense, form sense, contrast sense and colour sense. Visual acuity measurement involves the determination of a threshold level of vision. Visual acuity is represented as the reciprocal of the minimal angle of resolution (the smallest letters resolved) at a given distance at high contrast. Visual acuity testing especially in low vision depends on targets, distance, lighting, background, contrast, ocular condition, concentration and intellectual level of the patients. Selection of a test is dependent on ability to respond, developmental age and time of testing. Type of tests used, therefore, will modify responses elicited. This is true in children especially in those with low vision [1]. Different types of visual acuity charts which are using now a days to Snellens acuity chart, Lea symbols test, Bailey lowie chart, ferris Log MAR charts, Wateloo charts, HOTV tests, Landolts test types and Lighthouse flash card test.
To compare the effectiveness of visual acuity charts used in school going children with Low Vision.
Materials and Methods
This is the prospective and comparative non randomized study done in outpatient department of a tertiary eye care centre over a period of 1 year. Two groups of 40 each of the children attending the Pediatric outpatients department were selected. 40 were included as control group of the children with low vision while 40 were included in the study group. All the children in both the groups were tested with Snellen’s chart and Lea’s symbol chart. Chart used was according to their developmental age. Those in the low vision group were tested at different distances also. The response of each child with both type charts was recorded. Testing of both groups was done by the same person and both groups were tested with and without correction.
Inclusion criteria
Both sexes
Children with age less than 15 years
All normal and refractive error children
Children with low vision
Exclusion criteria
Children above 16 years
Children with multi handicap
Basic Protocol
A standard protocol was used to collect and document all the details regarding the cases included in this study. Detailed information about the history and complaints of the patients were taken. This included the type of visual problems, duration of symptoms and any history of predisposing factors like refractive errors, family history, systemic disease etc.,
Data collection
Data includes demographic details of children (age, sex,), type of refractive error, and duration of symptoms, prior history of using glasses, surgery and visual acuity at presentation were collected. Complete ocular examination details of each patient such as visual acuity for distant vision (checked with Snellen’s acuity chart and Lea’s symbol chart), Slit lamp examination, fundus examination (done with +90D lens) and binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy, were recorded. Data regarding subjective correction were also noted. Visual acuity was measured before and after correction with Snellen’s chart and Lea’s symbol chart was also noted.
Procedure of testing in Snellen’s chart
For testing distant visual acuity, the patient was seated at a distance of 6 m from the Snellen’s chart, so that the rays of light are practically parallel and the patient exerts minimal accommodation. The charts were properly illuminated not less than 20 foot-candles. The patient was asked to read the chart with each eye separately and the visual acuity was recorded as a frication, the numerator being the distance of the patient from the letters and the denominator being the smallest letters accurately read. When the patient was able to read up to 6 m the visual acuity was recorded as 6/6, which is normal. Similarly, depending upon the smallest line that the patient can read from the distance of 6m, his or her vision was recorded as 6/9, 6/12, 6/18, 6/24, 6/36, 6/60. If one cannot see the top line from 6m, he or she was asked to slowly walk towards the chart till one can read the top line. Depending upon the distance at which one can read the top line; the vision was record as 5/60, 4/60, 3/60, 2/60, 1/60.
If the patient was unable to read the top line even from 1m, he or she was asked to count fingers of the examiner. His or her vision was recorded as CF-3, CF-2, CF-1, or CF close to face, depending upon the distance at which the patient was able to count fingers. When the patient failed to count fingers, the examiner moved his or her hand close to the patient’s face. If one can appreciate the hand movements, the examiner noted whether the patient can perceive light or not, if yes, vision was recorded as projection of If the patient was unable to read the top line even from 1m, he or she was asked to count fingers of the examiner. His or her vision was recorded as CF-3, CF-2, CF-1, or CF close to face, depending upon the distance at which the patient was able to count fingers. When the patient failed to count fingers, the examiner moved his or her hand close to the patient’s face. If one can appreciate the hand movements, the examiner noted whether the patient can perceive light or not, if yes, vision was recorded as projection of
Procedure of testing in Lea’s chart
The child was allowed to stand or sit at a table with the response card in front, eyes at a 10‑foot distance from the chart. The child must be conditioned to match symbols by pointing to the same symbol on the response card as was being shown with a flash card or pointed to on the chart. Begin screening with one person holding an occluder over the child’s left eye, another person pointed to the symbols on the Lea wall chart. The screener pointed to the symbols must be careful not to cover the box around the symbols as this could affect the results of the test. The child should point to the corresponding symbol on the response card. Start with the top line of the chart and continue downward showing one letter per line. If the child reaches the bottom line, show the remaining three symbols. If the child misses any of the symbols, go to the line above and show four different symbols in that line. If the child matches them correctly, proceed downward. To receive credit for a line, the child must correctly match each of the four different symbols on the line. The number recorded as the visual acuity is the smallest line the child can read correctly. The procedure is repeated for the left eye.
This prospective and comparative study was conducted at the tertiary eye care hospital over a period of one year between May 2012 to April 2013. 160 eyes of 80 patients with refractive errors were included in this study.
Age distribution
In control group (normal children), 6 of 40 (15%) were 0-5 age group, and 9 (22.5%) children were 6-10 age group and 25 (62.5%) children were 11-15 age group (Table 1).
In study group (low vision children), 4 of 40, (10%) children were 0-5 age group and 9 (22.5%) children were 6-10 age group and 27 (67.5%) children were 11-15 age group (Table 1).
Sex distribution
In control group, 16 of 40 (40%) were male children and 24(60%) were female children (Table 2).
In study group, 18 of 40 (45%) were male children and 22(55%) were female children (Table 2).
Diagnosis of low vision
In study group, 16 of 40 (40%) had refractive errors and 15 (37.5%) children had amblyopia and 5 (12.5%) children had corneal disorders and 2 (5%) children had glaucoma (Table 3).
Type of refractive errors
In control group, of the 40 children, 24 were found to be myopia (60%), hypermetropia in 2 (5%) and astigmatism in 14 (35%) children.
In study group, of the 40 children, it was found that myopia in 24 (60%), hypermetropia in 10 (25%) and astigmatism in 6 (15%) children. (Table 4).
Visual acuity
Control group:
a) Before correction: In the control group, of 40 children, visual acuity was more than 6/18 in 13 (32.5%) children in Snellen’s chart and 22 (55%) children in Lea’s chart. 27 (67.5%) children were less than 6/18 in Snellen’s chart, 18 (45%) children in Lea’s chart (Table 5).
b) After correction: In the control group of 40 children had visual acuity was more than 6/18 in 40 (100%) children in both Snellen’s and Lea’s chart (Table 5). There was different in visual acuity with different charts in 22.5% of cases before correction. Visual acuity did not differ between charts, in all cases after correction.
Study group:
a) Before correction: In the study group, out of 40 cases, the visual acuity was more than 6/18 in 3 (6.8%) children in Snellen’s chart, 8 (20.6%) children in Lea’s chart. Visual acuity was less than 6/18 in 37 (93.2%) children in Snellen‘s chart and 32 (79.4%) children in Lea’s chart (Table 6).
b) After correction: In the study group, out of 40 children, the visual acuity was more than 6/18 in (17) 41.3% of cases in Snellen‘s chart and (30) 75.8% of cases in Lea’s chart. Visual acuity was less than 6/18 in 23 (58.7%) children in Snellen’s chart and 10 (24.2%) children in Lea’s chart (Table 6).
This prospective and comparative study was conducted in the tertiary eye care hospital from May 2014 to February 2015. 160 eyes of 80 patients with refractive errors were included in this study. Niroula et al [2] reported that distribution of myopia was found to be higher (4.05%) than the hyperopia (1.24%) and astigmatism (1.14%). Niroula et al [2] in the present study, myopia was in 24 (60%), hypermetropia in 2 (5%) and astigmatism in 14 (35%) children. In study group out of 40 children we found to be myopia in 24 (60%), hypermetropia in 10 (25%) and astigmatism in 6 (15%) children. Tong et al reported bearing in mind that the visual acuity measurements were performed by two different groups of professionals, visual acuity screening using the ETDRS method appears to be more accurate than the simplified charts for the detection of myopia or any refractive errors in children. Tong et al [3] In present study Lea’s symbol chart was found to be better than Snellen’s chart by measuring the accurate visual acuity among the normal as well as the low vision children. Dobson et al [4] reported correlation between visual acuity results obtained with the two charts was high. There was no difference in absolute inter-eye acuity difference measured with the two acuity charts. However, on average, Lea’s Symbols acuity scores were one log MAR line better than Bailey-Lovie acuity scores, and this difference increased with worse visual acuity. Cyert L et al [5], Lueder G [6] In present study also there was no much difference in normal children comparatively than low vision children.
Tong et al [7] studied modified ETDRS visual acuity chart can be used to predict refractive errors in school children in Singapore in a sensitive and specific manner using a referral criterion of worse than or equal to 0.28 logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution. Dobson et al [8] reported in the comparitive visual acuity study of young children, in whom the primary source of reduced visual acuity was astigmatism-related amblyopia, the Lea’s symbols chart produced visual acuity scores that were about 0.5 lines better than visual acuity scores obtained with ETDRS charts. Dobson et al [8] Similarly, in the present study also Lea’s symbol visual chart produced visual acuity scores better than the Snellen’s chart especially in low vision children. Uzma et al [9] found out that myopia was present in almost 51% of the study population, she stressed on provision of health education, periodic visual screening programs, and primary eye care by trained health care personnel in the elementary schools will prevent the prevalence of refractive errors and common ocular diseases in school children. Gupta et al [10] found out that refractive errors were the most common ocular disorders among school children of age 6-16 years.
Dandona et al [11] in his study stated that the prevalence of uncorrected refractive error, especially myopia, was higher in urban children. He further emphasized on the eye screening of school children. However, the approach used may be different for urban and rural school children [11,12].
Visual performance depends not only on size and distance, but also on contrast, illumination, and arrangement of targets. These factors, affected in low vision, may modify responses during testing, thus giving high false negatives. Use of appropriate charts is, therefore, mandatory while assessing children with low vision. This study also concluded myopia and astigmatism is the commonest refractive error among school going children. Lea’s chart is easier to measure visual acuity in low vision school going children than the Snellen’s chart. It was observed that the visual acuity differed with different charts, in low vision cases, before and after correction. The difference is dependent on the individual’s absolute level of visual acuity. Visual acuity is easy to measure in children by Lea’s chart.
The authors are thankful to Dr. Amjad Salman, Dr. Preeti Pant and Divyam Pandey for their timely help.
Figures and Tables

# Table 1: Age distribution.
# Table 2: Sex distribution.
# Table 3: Diagnosis of low vision.
# Table 4: Type of refractive errors.
# Table 5: Control group visual acuity.
# Table 6: Study group visual acuity.
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Monday, 29 July 2019

Stromal Rejection after Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK) - A Retrospective Study-Juniper Publishers

Authored by Vipul Bhandari


Keratoconus is a degenerative, non-inflammatory corneal disorder characterized by progressive stromal thinning and ectasia.10-20% of keratoconus patients requires surgical intervention in advanced stage in the form of either Penetrating Keratoplasty (PK) or Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty [1]. Deep Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty (DALK) is preferred over PK due to less incidence of graft failure [2]. Visual outcome of DALK surgery is comparable to PK, avoiding risk of endothelial rejection. Endothelial cell loss was low and cell count was stable after 6 months [3]. Watson et al. [4] compared DALK with PK. Best corrected visual acuity, refractive results and complication rates are similar after DALK and PK. Compared to PK, one of the major advantages of DALK is normal endothelial cell counts postoperatively. Comparatively DALK has endothelial cell loss of 1.2% at 2 years. Cell survival after DALK may be expected to be better than PK [5]. In spite of refractive stability obtained during the first years after PK for keratoconus, increasing astigmatism thereafter suggests that there is a progression of the disease in the host cornea [6]. Recurrent keratoconus following PK is rare but has been described [7-8]. N Patel has reported the first case of recurrent ectasia in a relatively new treatment option-deep lamellar keratoplasty for keratoconus [9]. We in our study have analysed post DALK patients for any such changes after two year of follow up.

Material and Methods

Retrospective analysis 122 eyes of 71 patients who underwent DALK for progressive keratoconus. Inclusion criteria were patients who underwent DALK for keratoconus from 2011 to 2013 and those who completed 2 years of follow-up after obtaining approval from institutional review board and ethical committee clearance. Exclusion criteria included all patients who had any intra or post operative complications. Keratoconus was diagnosed clinically based on slit lamp findings (stromal thinning, Fleischer ring, Vogt’s striae) and keratometry, and was confirmed by corneal topography and Pentacam. Preoperative evaluations included uncorrected visual acuity (UCVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), slit lamp biomicroscopy, corneal topography (Keratonscout), corneal pachymetry (CCT) (AL-2000; Tomey) .None of the patients had previous history of refractive surgery. DALK was done in all patients using Anwar a Teichmann bigbubble technique [11]. All donor cornea had an endothelial count greater than 2000 cells and clear stroma. All grafts were well centered with an average graft size of 8-8.5mm and done by a single surgeon. The donor cornea was fixed with interrupted 10–0 nylon sutures in all the patients. Patients received Dexoren-S (dexamethasone sodium phosphate 0.1% and chloramphenicol 0.5%, warren excel, INDOCO) e/d 6 times per day for 1 month followed by 4 times per day for 1 months then changed to Lotepred 0.5%(Loteprednoletabonate ophthalmic suspension, SUNpharma) e/d 4 times per day for 2 months followed by 2 times for 1 month followed by 1 time for 6 months. Follow-up examinations were scheduled 1, 7 and 30 days and 3,6,9,12 and 24 months postoperatively and complete suture removal was done after 6-18 months thereafter based on topography and automated keratometry readings. Parameters analyzed were UCVA, BCVA, Slit lamp findings, corneal topography, CCT and stromal haze.
Clinical grading of stromal haze–
Grade 0-completelty clear cornea
Grade 0.5 for trace haze seen with careful oblique illumination
with slit lamp biomicroscopy.
Grade 1 for more prominent haze not interfering with
visibility of fine iris details.
Grade 2 for mild obscuration of iris details.
Grade 3 for moderate obscuration of iris details.
Grade 4 for complete opacification of stroma.

Statistical Analysis

Significance was assessed at 5 % level of significance. Paired t-test was used to compare pre- and postoperative astigmatism and BSCVA values and Chi-square test was used for comparison of qualitative parameters


A total of 122 eyes of 71 patients with progressive keratoconus were operated. Mean age at the time of surgery was 26.2±7.8 (range 15-40) years. 31 eyes of 25 patients (25% of total) showed topographic evidence of Central Island of flattening. It correlated with slit lamp finding of sub epithelial haze of varying density. The average onset of central sub epithelial haze was at 9-12 months post DALK (Figure 1). Haze was more common in the younger age below 25 years with 60% cases with stromal haze below 25 years of age, no sex association was noted. None of the patients had bilateral involvement. The central haze progressed over time (Figure 2a & 2b) and was associated with thinning of the cornea. These 31 eyes with stromal rejection (study group) were compared with other eyes (91 eyes) with absence of thinning or haze (control group). Mean UCVA was 0.7±0.3LogMAR in control group while in study group it was 0.88±0.15LogMAR (P < 0.005). Mean BSCVA in control group was 0.19±0.18LogMAR while in study group it was 0.62±0.11LogMAR (P < 0.001). The onset and progression of central flattening was associated with corresponding decrease in UCVA and BCVA. Mean keratometry in study group was K flat 40.81±1.41D and K steep 44.12±1.45 D while in control group it was K flat 45.38±2.72 D and K steep 44.12±1.45 D. Mean pachymetry reading in study group was 443.481±.45μm while in control group it was 535±16.45μm. The pachymetry reading of the central cornea varied from 400μ to 475μm and correlated with topographic finding of flattening (Figure 3a & 3b) (Table 1). Pentacam images also showed central flattening (Figure 4a & 4b). Anterior segment OCT also showed stromal haze at periodic follow up (Figure 5a & 5b). No graft surface complications were encountered.


Mohammad Ali Javadi et al. [11] listed the causes of decreased vision after DALK. Which includednon-endothelial graft rejection, astigmatism filamentary keratitis, vascularization. Recurrence of keratoconus in a donor cornea has already been described [12-14]. and may well be manifestation of the same mechanisms that caused ectasia of the host cornea in the first place. This could be due to degradative enzymes liberated by abnormal host epithelium or infiltration of the graft by abnormal host keratocytes that produce abnormal collagen [15-16]. One speculative mechanism is failure to completely excise the cone before PKP which may lead to progression of keratoconus in the host tissue with possible involvement of the dono [17-18]. Feizi S et al. [19] reported a case of recurrence of keratoconus in corneal graft after DALK. Till now no study has shown the flattening of graft with stromal haze in late post operative period. In our study, inverse keratoconus was recorded in eyes after 2 years after deep lamellar keratoplasty and this was confirmed both clinically and topographically. Stromal rejection i.e, central haze, flattening and thinning in the graft after DALK for keratoconus (Figure 4 & 5) may be chronic stromal rejection or progressive thinning of cornea associated with disease process of keratoconus or due to reduced corneal sensations. In contrast to PK, keratoconus recurred a few years after DALK. Such earlier recurrence can be attributed to several differences pertaining to the DALK surgical technique. First, retained keratocytes in the stromal bed may invade and replace donor tissue leading to recurrent keratoconus much earlier than what is expected in PK. We previously reported that even after successful big-bubble formation, some posterior stroma containing abnormal keratocytes remains in place [20]. Second, removal of DM from the donor cornea, a common practice in DALK, can theoretically weaken donor tissue. Although our comparison of graft biomechanical properties between bare-DM DALK and PK in keratoconic eyes failed to demonstrate a significant difference [21]. DM removal may actually yield donor tissue with less strength resulting in earlier manifestation of ectasia when keratoconus recurs in the DALK graft. The inflammatory pathways activated following DALK failure due to infection, in particular the metalloproteinase system (gelatinolytic activity of stromal collagenase (matrix metalloproteinase-1 (MMP-1)), may play an important part through thinning of the stromal tissue [22].


In our study the pathogenesis of corneal haze, flattening and thinning complication was unclear. Donor factors include the possibility of ectatic disease which may have been missed or remained subclinical throughout the donor’s life. New screening methods utilising the Orb scan are being explored looking at the topography of donor corneas that could prevent potential problems with using ectatic corneas if routinely employed [23]. In summary, a central island of flattening after DALK with associated decrease in the visual acuity can be a chronic stromal rejection or progressive disease process of keratoconus for which we need to further investigate.

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