Thursday 12 September 2019

Visual Appeal is Important-Juniper Publishers



Fashion and styling have never been more important. The general trend to want to look beautiful is gathering momentum. Today, there are more beauty parlours in garages than cars. Newspapers are full of advertisements luring the bald and greying to regain their youthful looks with wonder hair oils. Some make tall claims of making you lose twenty pounds is as many days, with yesterday’s matron transformed into today’s shapely young thing. And then there are offers of plastic surgery packages for a nose and face jobs, writes Sabina Bhatia in a national daily newspaper.
As they say, `first impression is the last impression’, so good looks play an important role in creating good, lasting impression. And for good looks you have to have good-fitting and graciously-looking clothes, well-groomed hair, and a pair of nice-looking and well-fitting shoes.
For the weak-sighted, today, plenty of good shapes of spectacle frames are available with a variety of lenses that can truly enhance the overall personality of an individual. Remember, not wearing spectacles when required, and in the process straining to see clearly, is like deliberately and foolishly inviting permanent marks of this strain on your face.
For those who are simply averse to the use of spectacles, contact lenses (the invisible aid to vision) in improved material and disposable variety with single multi-purpose lens-care solution are available from your eye care practitioner. Following simple instructions of after-care and contacting one’s eye doctor immediately in case of need (in the face of an unexpected problem) ensure comfortable wearing of contacts day-after-day.
And for those who don’t want to go in either for spectacles or contact lenses, there’s the familiar and proven option of laser refractive surgery. As a protection from bright sunlight outdoors, eye-catching designs of sunglasses are available. Expert advice is, however, helpful in the selection of quality lenses.
For those working on computers and for children who spend hours together before colour television, UV-protecting glasses are now available in clear UV-white glass lenses and UV-treated plastic lenses.
One way of enhancing looks on special occasions like birthday, marriage-anniversary etc., is to wear cosmetic soft contact lenses. These come as Plano as well as in power. And the colours are really bewitching for a natural transition from brown to blue, green, violet, gray or turquoise or for an altogether different pleasing shade.
Well, visual appeal is now-a-days becoming more and more important, and as progressive members of the society, we simply can’t ignore it.
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